Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals



Analysis of Microplastics in Biosolids

15 - Life on Land

This project was part of a CSIRO project aimed to investigate how the contaminants (including microplastics) in biosolid behave when treated with soldier flies . The aim of microplastic testing was to determine the fate of plastic in the larvae process. As plastic can be ingested by larvae this project…


Microplastics analysis of processed organics (MATS Project)

15 - Life on Land

“This project aimed to 1) establish a baseline for the quantity, size, and identity of microplastics in recycled organics outputs derived from feedstocks containing FO, GO, and FOGO. 2) Assess risk of microplastics found in recycled organics derived from feedstocks containing FO, GO and FOGO against human health, ecological health,…

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Supporting decentralised rural water supply in Pacific islands: formal and informal networks to support Pacific Rural Water Committee engagement with water resources management for climate resilient WASH outcomes

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Building on our earlier work and ongoing partnerships, using both formative and action research combined with regional knowledge sharing opportunities (two peer-to-peer learning exchange events), this research seeks to better understand ways that government and civil society organisations (CSOs) engaged in the WASH sector can leverage formal, as well as…


Inclusive urban WASH in Melanesia Pacific – influencing and strengthening systems for climate resilient WASH in urban underserved settlements

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

The regional research project focuses on enhancing climate-resilient WASH services in urban informal settlements in PNG, Fiji and Vanuatu through trough the development of decision and planning support systems, citizen science for localized climate insights, advocacy methods, and engagement with settlement residents in collaborative planning. The goal is to…


Flood Community of Practice

17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Over a 10 year history, this network arranges a range of events for sharing knowledge and experiences on developing flood resilient landscapes and communities. The workshops are interactive and cater for professionals from all roles in building physical and social resilience. Events are mostly face to face and occasionally online.

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IWC-AWA Team Leadership course

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

This course aims to provide water professionals with a modular, online training course to build understanding, skills and confidence in the following areas: • Building the capacity of new team leaders through understanding key leadership methods and principles. • Awareness of the methods and principles of leadership development that new team…
