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Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals
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Browse by academic area
Browse by primary goal
1 - No Poverty
2- Zero Hunger
3 - Good Health and Well-Being
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender Equality
6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
10 - Reduced Inequalities
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 - Responsible Consumption and Production
13 - Climate Action
14 - Life Below Water
15 - Life on Land
16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
17 - Partnerships for the Goals
Browse by project type
Community Engagement or Service, industry partnerships
Learning and Teaching
(10 posts)
Australian Rivers Institute
(37 posts)
Campus Life
(3 posts)
Campus Life Child Care Service
(1 post)
Centre for Quantum Dynamics
(3 posts)
Cities Research Institute
(14 posts)
Climate Action Beacon
(8 posts)
Creative Arts Research Institute
(6 posts)
Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics
(3 posts)
Department of Business Strategy and Innovation
(17 posts)
Department of Marketing
(1 post)
Dept of Employment Relations and Human Resources
(5 posts)
Disrupting Violence Beacon
(8 posts)
DVC Indigenous, Diversity Incl
(2 posts)
(2 posts)
ENG - Aviation
(1 post)
ESC - Environment and Marine
(1 post)
GBS Dean (Engagement)
(1 post)
GBS Director (International)
(1 post)
General Counsel
(1 post)
Griffith Asia Institute
(15 posts)
Griffith Criminology Institute
(1 post)
Griffith Film School
(1 post)
Griffith Institute for Educational Research
(2 posts)
Griffith Institute For Tourism
(8 posts)
Griffith Law School
(6 posts)
Griffith University Art Museum
(2 posts)
Industry and Ext Engagement
(2 posts)
Institute for Glycomics
(2 posts)
International Development Unit
(9 posts)
International Water Centre
(15 posts)
Law Futures Centre
(8 posts)
(7 posts)
Planet Hlth and Food Security
(1 post)
PVC Arts Edu and Law
(1 post)
Queensland College of Art
(4 posts)
Queensland Conservatorium
(1 post)
Sch Nursing and Midwifery MID
(2 posts)
School of Applied Psychology
(2 posts)
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
(1 post)
School of Education and Professional Studies
(1 post)
School of Engineering and Built Environment
(30 posts)
School of Environment and Science
(14 posts)
School of Health Sciences and Social Work
(5 posts)
School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science
(6 posts)
School of Medicine and Dentistry
(3 posts)
Sciences Learning and Teaching
(1 post)
Social Marketing at Griffith
(29 posts)
Student Success
(1 post)
Sustainability Developmt Goals
(2 posts)
University Operations
(2 posts)