Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Creative Arts Research Institute


Peak Plastique

13 - Climate Action

Ordinary plastic objects transformed into extraordinary soundscapes. A sonic journey into the world of plastic, featuring 11 exquisite musical compositions accompanied by evocative animations, that explore our complex relationship with plastics. Drawing on decades of sonic curiosity across the fields of classical, jazz and experimental music traditions, pianist Erik Griswold,…

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Sounding Good: Advancing Cultural Sustainability through Music

17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Music researcher Catherine Grant joins artist and scholar collaborators from four continents to explore the deep—and sometimes surprising—interplays between music, cultural sustainability, and social justice. Through case studies in Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, India, Vanuatu, and Western Sahara, this project emphasises the potential for strong and sustainable cultural practices to advance…

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Climate Scape 2

13 - Climate Action

This is a practice-led research collaboration between CARI researchers and Vulcana Women’s Circus, a physical theatre community arts organisation. In association with Drs Samid Suliman and Kaya Barry (HLSS/GCSCR) Climate Scape unites performance researchers with social scientist/scholars and professional circus artists to explore how physical theatre and circus methods can…


Creative Change Project

10 - Reduced Inequalities

The Creative Change Project is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship at the Creative Arts Research Institute, investigating the role community music can play in addressing social inequities in Australia. Through our research and partnerships with communities that address social inequities and create music, we aim to map current…