Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Reduced Inequalities

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 Open access to Griffith University research

10 - Reduced Inequalities

Griffith Research Online (GRO) is a digital repository of openly accessible research and scholarship from Griffith University. GRO increases the impact and influence of Griffith research and scholarship by ensuring it is visible, discoverable and accessible; the research is indexed by Google Scholar and harvested by Unpaywall, NLA Trove and…


National Digital Innovation Launchpad

1 - No Poverty

Griffith University has collaborated with ReGov Technologies in Malaysia to connect vulnerable economies in the Pacific Islands to global markets through the National Digital Innovation Launchpad (NDIL). Starting in Tonga, the NDIL is designed to accelerate the use of technology and build local capacity to implement digital projects and solutions…


Containers for Change

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Late in 2022, Griffith University launched a new Containers for Change collection program across its Nathan and Gold Coast campuses. Each bottle donated through the Containers for Change collection bins will raise funds for Griffith’s Brighter Futures Scholarship Program.


Griffith University Women in Engineering

5 - Gender Equality

Griffith University Women in Engineering provides support and development for women in engineering and other STEM fields through networking, mentoring programs, school outreach workshops, professional development events and industry engagement, and social events.


Tallowwood Green Impact 2023

4 - Quality Education

The overall aim of the activities, “What’s on My Plate for Morning Tea,” “Reptile awareness Program”, “Healthy Lunch Box Week,” “Bucket Filling,” “8 Ways of Aboriginal Knowing,” and “Celebrating Cultural Days in Kindergarten,” was to introduce kindergarten children to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by nurturing five essential attributes/characters…

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AusASEAN Skills Forecasting for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

4 - Quality Education

This Short Course facilitated an exchange of knowledge and lessons learned between ASEAN countries and Australia, including between the two different cohorts. Fifty participants from seven countries including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines and Vietnam spent two weeks connecting with Australian organisations, analysing data sources to anticipate future skill…
