Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

Graduate Certificate and Masters of Climate Change Adaptation

13 - Climate Action

The Climate Change Adaptation programs are designed to give professionals from any background a sound interdisciplinary knowledge of climate change, the ability to analyse its impacts, and the creative skills needed to build resilience across society and the environment. This includes the ability to develop and deploy adaptation strategies to…

4118ENV/7057ENV Policymaking and Planning for Climate Change

13 - Climate Action

This course offers students the opportunity to develop an understanding of how policymaking and planning can used to develop effective responses to the problem of climate change. A cross-section of adaptation and mitigation policies and plans are analysed, from the international to the national, state and local levels of government.

Australia Awards Short Course Trade Promotion and Marketing – Post COVID-19 (Sri Lanka)

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

This Short Course provided Participants with a practical understanding of current international trade and investment issues and the opportunities and challenges presented to businesses by the globalised economy. The course was implemented using action-learning methods including interactive presentations, case studies, workshops, roundtables, networking sessions, and institutional visits. Materials for…

The Radical Materiality of Oysterteture

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

“The Radical Materiality of Oystertecture“ reinventing the boundary – through the innovative use of discarded oyster shells. Variations in thickness and height of the oystertecture are driven by the sun’s direction and height. The art installation enhances the interplay between the user, the structure, and the light.

Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management (DRM) into Annual National and Sub-national Planning and Budgeting (APBN and APBD) Short Course

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

This course aims to improve the participants’ knowledge and skills on the importance of mainstreaming DRM into annual development programming and budgeting both at national and sub-national levels. This course complements the work of DFAT’s DRM program (a.k.a. SIAP SIAGA program) aims to improve Indonesia’s ability to prevent, prepare for,…

Australia Awards Short Course in Public Transport Management in Metropolitan Areas

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

The Public Transport Management in Metropolitan Areas Short Course complemented the Indonesia-Australia Partnership for Infrastructure (KIAT) program, the program focused on upskilling government counterparts to improve urban mobility outcomes through Transit Oriented Development (TOD) which promotes the use of public transport systems. The course also supported the preparation of…

Climate Scape 2

13 - Climate Action

This is a practice-led research collaboration between CARI researchers and Vulcana Women’s Circus, a physical theatre community arts organisation. In association with Drs Samid Suliman and Kaya Barry (HLSS/GCSCR) Climate Scape unites performance researchers with social scientist/scholars and professional circus artists to explore how physical theatre and circus methods can…

Common Purpose Leadership Development Programs for Students

4 - Quality Education

In 2021, Griffith Global Mobility provided funding for 400+ students to participate in Common Purpose’s Global Leadership Forums and Global Citizenship Programs, which are non-academic (but with a micro-credential upon completion), online leadership development programs that focus on the UN SDGs. The uptake in these programs has shown that students…