Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

A published book on “Sustainable Pipe Jacking Technology in the Urban Environment – Recent Advances and Innovations”

9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

This book is the brainchild of the lead author (Dr. Ong), who subsequently invited his peers, ex-PhD students and current PhD students to collaborate and contribute to writing a geotechnically-advanced book that encompasses the authors’ and contributors’ research and practical experiences gained principally on sustainable & innovative construction of green…

Waste to Energy

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

This Short Course engaged participants from the Government of Indonesia, officials and private sector representatives involved in the development and oversight of waste-to-energy (WTE) projects. The aim of the short course was to analyse the commercial viability of different types of WTE operations, identify factors that affect viability, study the…