Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals


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Enhancing the identification, prosecution and prevention of orphanage trafficking through the legal frameworks of Nepal, Uganda and Cambodia

16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

This project researches how law enforcement, government and courts have responded to, and are responding to, orphanage trafficking. Orphanage trafficking is where children are transferred or recruited into orphanages for the purpose of exploitation and profit. As the first project of its kind in the world, it is assessing the…


Aviation Reimagined: 2022 Webinar Series

13 - Climate Action

Aviation Reimagined is an annual webinar series featuring industry leaders, policymakers and researchers sharing their insights about a transition to a low-carbon future for aviation. This is the third consecutive year running this successful series, with new speakers and contributors delivering innovative insights from around the world. The webinar series…


Graduate Certificate in Counselling (Papua New Guinea)

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

The primary goal of this program was to produce PNG counselling graduates with culturally effective professional knowledge and skills, as part of a broader response to address wide-ranging, prevalent individual and social problems in PNG e.g., family and sexual violence, trauma, disability, childhood abuse. I led a team, collaborating with…

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Logan Eco-Action Festival (LEAF)

13 - Climate Action

Staff and student volunteers worked together to organise activities for the public (particulary families with school aged children) at the annual Logan Eco-Action Festival. The activities were to raise awareness about the natural environment, the vital role it plays in human health and what people can do to be more…


How organisations engage with the SDGs: A case study on Family Planning NSW International

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

I am undertaking my internship with Family Planning New South Wales International (hereafter FPNSW International), a non-government organisation (NGO) that delivers sexual and reproductive health and rights-based programs to Pacific-island nations. FPNSW International has three key program areas: cervical cancer screening program (health focussed), comprehensive sexuality education program (education…

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Climate Action Beacon Survey

13 - Climate Action

The Griffith Climate Action Beacon (CAB) seeks to develop knowledge, leadership, capacity, and responses to enable effective and just action throughout society. CAB conducted the first of five annual Climate Action Surveys in September–October 2021 as part of a longitudinal study to discover Australians’ thoughts and feelings about climate…


Thomas Jack Park Redevelopment

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

For the Thomas Jack Park Redevelopment project, Griffith Architecture aims to redesign the the Thomas Jack Park in order to benefit the local community by creating an appealing space for tourism and local use. Through the redesign of this natural area, the team is reinforcing the identity of the space…