Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals



Civic Assist Street Crew Evaluation

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Civic Assist’s Youth Street Crew (YSC) After Hours Program aims to support at-risk youth in Toowoomba CBD and fringe CBD. The aim of this project was to analyse the efficacy and need for this program, to assist Toowoomba’s youth experiencing homelessness, violence, anxiety, abuse and more.


DES12174 Co-Design and Implementation of Community Engagement and Threat Mitigation Initiatives in Partnership with Local Governments to support Koala Conservation in South East Queensland (SEQ) – Year Three

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

This project will involve community surveys, and co-design session which will inform program implementation. A follow up survey will also be conducted after implementation to assess program effectiveness, and measure changes in attitudes, perceptions or behaviour.

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8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

The Digital Empowerment Program equipped small-to-medium sized (SME) Gold Coast tourism operators with skills to develop their digital marketing strategy, aiming to generate more awareness and visitation to their business. The evidence-based 5-step digital marketing process underpinned the training to upskill operators…


Redland’s Koala Conservation Action Plan (2016-2021)

15 - Life on Land

Measure the effectiveness of VMS for drivers to slow down in koala conservation areas. Assess the effectiveness of an awareness campaign to improve residents’ attitudes, awareness, and knowledge towards koalas in their community. Examine how response to koala conservation initiatives improves when citizens are exposed to and participate within multiple…
