Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Project type Research


Creative Works Showcase 

16 - Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

The Creative Works platform is an institutional repository for Griffith University, dedicated to creative research outputs. It offers an improved display and discovery experience for the diverse types of items produced by creative researchers. The aim of the project was to showcase creative research, which is often hidden or poorly…


ACT Summer Leaf Collective

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

The Leaf Collective pilot program aimed to encourage and support householders and community groups to engage in behaviours to prevent native leaf litter (fallen leaves, twigs, bark, flowers and nuts) from entering stormwater drains.

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Friends of the Koala

15 - Life on Land

This project will develop and design, test and refine communication collateral for use across the Northern Rivers, to raise Koala Awareness within the community in relation to Koala Health and Environmental Factors affecting their habitat…


Friends of the Koala

15 - Life on Land

This project will develop and design, test and refine communication collateral for use across the Northern Rivers, to raise Koala Awareness within the community in relation to Koala Health and Environmental Factors affecting their habitat…

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Ready to Go – A Social Cognitive approach to increasing breakfast rates in workplace Institutions (Mining and Defence)

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

This 3-year study designed and evaluated two pilot programs to increase healthy eating in the Defence and mining contexts. The project, through a Social Cognitive lens, measured the theory’s success in increasing breakfast eating rates. This work further develops social marketing programs utilising theory to ensure both populations eat healthily…


Refreshing Rivers program (2021 – 2024)

15 - Life on Land

The Refreshing Rivers program is delivering a range of initiatives over 10 years that will reinvigorate waterway management across NSW. The aim is to drive social change leading to improved health of inland waterways sustained by industry, farmer, and community action.


Civic Assist Street Crew Evaluation

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

Civic Assist’s Youth Street Crew (YSC) After Hours Program aims to support at-risk youth in Toowoomba CBD and fringe CBD. The aim of this project was to analyse the efficacy and need for this program, to assist Toowoomba’s youth experiencing homelessness, violence, anxiety, abuse and more.


DES12174 Co-Design and Implementation of Community Engagement and Threat Mitigation Initiatives in Partnership with Local Governments to support Koala Conservation in South East Queensland (SEQ) – Year Three

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

This project will involve community surveys, and co-design session which will inform program implementation. A follow up survey will also be conducted after implementation to assess program effectiveness, and measure changes in attitudes, perceptions or behaviour.