Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Promoting Transparency & Accountability in Public Sector (Indonesia)

Professor Reza Monem

Project Description

The Australia Awards Short Course saw twenty-five senior Indonesian government officials and civil society members participate in presentations, networking events and site visits in Brisbane and Canberra to support Indonesia’s transparency, accountability and anti-corruption development in the region’s public sector.

Project Personnel and Beneficiaries

The participant’s and government agencies involved included:
Indonesian President’s office, the Ministry of Finance, the National Development Agency, the Judiciary, the National Audit Board, anticorruption agencies, national policy, and ombudsman’s office, PwC Indonesia and Asia Foundation.

Outcomes to Date

This Short Course focussed on supporting Indonesia’s transparency and accountability in the public sector reform efforts by sharing and benchmarking Australian strategies. Academic presentations were interlaced with institutional visits and presentations in Brisbane and Canberra including addresses by the current Commonwealth Ombudsman, Queensland Integrity Commissioner and new Queensland Public Sector Commissioner along with sessions delivered by the Australian National Audit Office, Australian Attorney General’s Department, Australian Public Service Commission, Department of Home Affairs, High Court of Australia, Qld Corruption Prevention Network, Office of the Qld Information Commissioner and Qld Policy. Participants attended Question Time in Parliament House, Canberra and the Museum of Australian Democracy. The participants worked to complete an Award Project on completion of the course to implement their learnings from the program.

Project Significance

The primary program objectives aimed for were to analyse the role of stakeholders in promoting transparency and accountability of the public sector; explore ways Australia’s public sector supports effective collaboration between government and civil society by combining expertise from academic institutions, international organisations and civil society, with practical policies and experiences of the Australian public sector. Develop tools needed to identify and implement innovative approaches to building public sector integrity including digitally driven initiatives, mainstreaming transparency and accountability and enhancing citizen engagement. Participants learnt about international best practices to improve transparency and accountability in public sector through standards, policy and regulations. As well as building networks between Indonesia and Australia to further enhance collaboration and sharing of ideas and innovations. SDGs contributed to by this program were: 10, Reduce Inequality; 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions; 17 Partnerships for The Goals.

Professor A.J. Brown; International Development Unit, Griffith International
Project start
Project end
Academic area
International Development Unit
Project location
  • Nathan
Project geographical impact
  • International
Publication date
August 14, 2023
Last updated
9:09 am, November 27, 2023