Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals


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Graduate Certificate in Counselling

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

The course was designed for representatives from the Government of PNG, employees of universities and the NGO and civil society sector, who are involved in the provision of counselling services in PNG. It built on the success of the 2018/19 Australia Awards PNG ‘Graduate Certificate in Counselling and Certificate IV in Training and Assessment…


Inclusive Leadership Program – Mekong Region & Laos

5 - Gender Equality

2015 saw the creation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which marked the establishment of a highly integrated market with a combined purchasing power of US2.3 trillion. For Mekong countries, this provided great economic potential by providing access to regional markets and value chains. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has severely…


Griffith Asia Business Internship (GABI) Program

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

The Griffith Asia Institute aims to expose students to Asia by developing cultural, political, and economic understanding and awareness. The Griffith Asia Business Internship program, a 20 CP course, is designed to foster personal connections and professional networks across the Asia-Pacific region. The course adds breadth with a focus on…

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Mangrove Timelapse VR

15 - Life on Land

This project is a pilot project aiming to create an interactive VR time-lapse video of a mangrove forest from the perspective of its different animal inhabitants. It combines science and animation by embodying the imperceptible “aliveness” of a mangrove forest from multiple perspectives to highlight the importance of the ecosystem.


Creative Change Project

10 - Reduced Inequalities

The Creative Change Project is an Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship at the Creative Arts Research Institute, investigating the role community music can play in addressing social inequities in Australia. Through our research and partnerships with communities that address social inequities and create music, we aim to map current…
