Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities

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Australia Awards Short Course Renewable Energy (Indonesia)

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

The Australia Awards Renewable Energy Short Course aimed to contribute to the shared ambition of Australia and Indonesia to cooperate more closely to enable transition to lower emission economies and understands that reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a global challenge. Twenty-five participants from across Indonesia joined course leaders Associate Professor…


Tallowwood Green Impact 2023

4 - Quality Education

The overall aim of the activities, “What’s on My Plate for Morning Tea,” “Reptile awareness Program”, “Healthy Lunch Box Week,” “Bucket Filling,” “8 Ways of Aboriginal Knowing,” and “Celebrating Cultural Days in Kindergarten,” was to introduce kindergarten children to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by nurturing five essential attributes/characters…

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Water Leadership Program – 2022

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

The Water Leadership Program (WLP) is an award-winning program that helps emerging leaders to develop the ability to exert influence, drive change and advance challenging integrated water management projects – abilities associated with the most effective integrated water management leaders. The WLP is a feedback-intensive, 10-month professional development program,…


Australia Awards Short Course in Transforming to a Competitive Electricity Market in the Context of Increasing Renewable Energy Integration for the Aus4Skills Program (Vietnam)

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

This program acknowledged the shared ambition of the Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy to enable energy cooperation as an important pillar that will contribute significantly to the two nations’ growth of commercial and investment turnovers. Course Designers developed a program addressing the energy industry related areas of technology, economics,…


Australia Awards Short Course in transforming to a competitive electricity market in the context of increasing renewable energy integration for the Aus4Skills Program (Vietnam)

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

The program acknowledged the shared ambition of the Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy to enable energy cooperation as an important pillar that will contribute significantly to the two nations’ growth of commercial and investment turnovers. Course Designers developed a program addressing the energy industry related areas of technology, economics,…


Water and WASH Futures Conference 2023

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

The Water and WASH Futures Conference 2023 is part of the Water and WASH Futures knowledge forums – a series of knowledge sharing and learning activities for practitioners and professionals in the international water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and water resource management (WRM) sectors. We also encourage and welcome…


Climate Ready Australia 2030

13 - Climate Action

Climate Ready Australia 2030 (CRA2030) brings together partners from across society to drive climate action in Australia. We have assembled a growing alliance of peak bodies that we work with to identify common priorities for their sectors and members. These priorities have underpinned the development of a robust…