Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Cities and Communities

6202/7402ENG Cleaner Production and Circular Economy

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Cleaner production and circular economy can bring overlapping benefits to business performance by simultaneously increasing profitability, efficiency, competitiveness, and environmental performance. Harnessing the economics of sustainable consumption and production that can drive these benefits requires expertise in understanding, communicating, and then applying complex ideas and strategies. In this course, students…

Sustainable Tourism Management

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

The Sustainable Tourism Management program has been implemented annually since 2015. This course focuses on environment and social communities’ issues. Each program included 20-25 Indonesian tourism professionals from the private sector, central government departments and NGOs. The learning objectives of the award are participants’ improved skills and ability to:…

Waste to Energy

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

This Short Course engaged participants from the Government of Indonesia, officials and private sector representatives involved in the development and oversight of waste-to-energy (WTE) projects. The aim of the short course was to analyse the commercial viability of different types of WTE operations, identify factors that affect viability, study the…

Griffith Green Impact Program – Early Education Centre

13 - Climate Action

2022 is Griffith University’s inaugural year joining thirteen other universities and a growing number of organisations across Australia and New Zealand participating in Green Impact. Green Impact was developed by the National Union of Students (NUS) in the UK, where it has run for over 14years and reached more…

Aviation Reimagined: 2022 Webinar Series

13 - Climate Action

Aviation Reimagined is an annual webinar series featuring industry leaders, policymakers and researchers sharing their insights about a transition to a low-carbon future for aviation. This is the third consecutive year running this successful series, with new speakers and contributors delivering innovative insights from around the world. The webinar series…

Logan Eco-Action Festival (LEAF)

13 - Climate Action

Staff and student volunteers worked together to organise activities for the public (particulary families with school aged children) at the annual Logan Eco-Action Festival. The activities were to raise awareness about the natural environment, the vital role it plays in human health and what people can do to be more…

Thomas Jack Park Redevelopment

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

For the Thomas Jack Park Redevelopment project, Griffith Architecture aims to redesign the the Thomas Jack Park in order to benefit the local community by creating an appealing space for tourism and local use. Through the redesign of this natural area, the team is reinforcing the identity of the space…