Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Project type Learning and Teaching


3202ENG/7412ENG Solid Waste Management

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

A rising global population and a strong coupling between economic development and consumption have led to the depletion of resources and the generation of waste at an unprecedentedly rapid rate. As the amount of solid waste to be disposed of increases, the number of available landfills decreases, concerns about risks…


2004ENG Hydrology

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Undergraduate course on Catchment Hydrology which is core in BEng (Civil) and BEng (Environmental) Water supply and flood mitigation is taught in the form of flood frequency analysis and flood routing through reservoirs for flood mitigation and sequent peak analysis to ananalyse a water supply reservoir. These are taught and…


6202/7402ENG Cleaner Production and Circular Economy

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Cleaner production and circular economy can bring overlapping benefits to business performance by simultaneously increasing profitability, efficiency, competitiveness, and environmental performance. Harnessing the economics of sustainable consumption and production that can drive these benefits requires expertise in understanding, communicating, and then applying complex ideas and strategies. In this course, students…


Sustainable Tourism Management

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

The Sustainable Tourism Management program has been implemented annually since 2015. This course focuses on environment and social communities’ issues. Each program included 20-25 Indonesian tourism professionals from the private sector, central government departments and NGOs. The learning objectives of the award are participants’ improved skills and ability to:…


Waste to Energy

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

This Short Course engaged participants from the Government of Indonesia, officials and private sector representatives involved in the development and oversight of waste-to-energy (WTE) projects. The aim of the short course was to analyse the commercial viability of different types of WTE operations, identify factors that affect viability, study the…

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Graduate Certificate in Counselling (Papua New Guinea)

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

The primary goal of this program was to produce PNG counselling graduates with culturally effective professional knowledge and skills, as part of a broader response to address wide-ranging, prevalent individual and social problems in PNG e.g., family and sexual violence, trauma, disability, childhood abuse. I led a team, collaborating with…


How organisations engage with the SDGs: A case study on Family Planning NSW International

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

I am undertaking my internship with Family Planning New South Wales International (hereafter FPNSW International), a non-government organisation (NGO) that delivers sexual and reproductive health and rights-based programs to Pacific-island nations. FPNSW International has three key program areas: cervical cancer screening program (health focussed), comprehensive sexuality education program (education…
