Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production

Family Businesses on a Mission: Attaining the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal of Responsible Consumption and Production

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

This book aims to contribute positively to providing evidence of the role of sustainable consumption and production in family businesses in effectively achieving SDGs on a global basis. The case studies on a family business display support and embody the principles of an SDG in their operations, culture, and/or business… Read More

Challenges in sustainably managing groundwater in the Australian Great Artesian Basin: lessons from current and historic legislative regimes

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

In certain areas, key aquifers of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB), Australia, are experiencing continued declining water-level trends. This has been accompanied by heated conflicts between water users and a lack of trust in governance arrangements, particularly since the introduction of coal-seam gas development. These outcomes suggest current… Read More

Legislative Mechanisms for Managed Aquifer Recharge in Queensland, Australia: A Framework for managing Risk and Unlocking Opportunities for Water

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

This article presents an examination of the legal mechanisms that regulate the most common types of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) projects in Queensland: infiltration basins and recharge dams using river water and direct injection using treated coal seam gas associated water. The article provides general guidance to potential MAR proponents and also… Read More

Charred Koala – Hanging On

15 - Life on Land

I made a series of brooches titles ‘Charred Koala- Hanging on’ in response to the 2019 bush fires. Ancient forest and animal habitat cannot be quickly replaced. The koala is frequently used as a symbol of Australia. It is widely recognisable and its image embodies much more than just a… Read More

4118ENV/7057ENV Policymaking and Planning for Climate Change

13 - Climate Action

This course offers students the opportunity to develop an understanding of how policymaking and planning can used to develop effective responses to the problem of climate change. A cross-section of adaptation and mitigation policies and plans are analysed, from the international to the national, state and local levels of government.

Australia Awards Short Course Trade Promotion and Marketing – Post COVID-19 (Sri Lanka)

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

This Short Course provided Participants with a practical understanding of current international trade and investment issues and the opportunities and challenges presented to businesses by the globalised economy. The course was implemented using action-learning methods including interactive presentations, case studies, workshops, roundtables, networking sessions, and institutional visits. Materials for… Read More

Sustainble Food Choices on Campus

13 - Climate Action

The aim of this project is to direct food choices to more plant-rich dishes on Griffith University Campuses, thereby reducing the environmental footprint of food outlets. The goals are two-fold: making climate-friendlier dishes more visible/available and shifting behaviours so that more customers pick those options. The program uses pre-and-post consumer… Read More