Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Quality Education

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Griffith Green Impact Program – Early Education Centre

13 - Climate Action

2022 is Griffith University’s inaugural year joining thirteen other universities and a growing number of organisations across Australia and New Zealand participating in Green Impact. Green Impact was developed by the National Union of Students (NUS) in the UK, where it has run for over 14years and reached more…

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Graduate Certificate in Counselling (Papua New Guinea)

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

The primary goal of this program was to produce PNG counselling graduates with culturally effective professional knowledge and skills, as part of a broader response to address wide-ranging, prevalent individual and social problems in PNG e.g., family and sexual violence, trauma, disability, childhood abuse. I led a team, collaborating with…

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Logan Eco-Action Festival (LEAF)

13 - Climate Action

Staff and student volunteers worked together to organise activities for the public (particulary families with school aged children) at the annual Logan Eco-Action Festival. The activities were to raise awareness about the natural environment, the vital role it plays in human health and what people can do to be more…
