Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Clean Water and Sanitation


2004ENG Hydrology

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Undergraduate course on Catchment Hydrology which is core in BEng (Civil) and BEng (Environmental) Water supply and flood mitigation is taught in the form of flood frequency analysis and flood routing through reservoirs for flood mitigation and sequent peak analysis to ananalyse a water supply reservoir. These are taught and…


High frequency remote water quality monitoring

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

High-frequency water quality monitoring technology has considerably improved in the last decade. New generation optical sensors allow for reliable, in-situ monitoring, with real-time data often remotely accessible through the cloud. Since 2020, two mobile water quality stations have been built, consisting of trailers with solar panels, batteries, pumps and sensors;…


6202/7402ENG Cleaner Production and Circular Economy

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Cleaner production and circular economy can bring overlapping benefits to business performance by simultaneously increasing profitability, efficiency, competitiveness, and environmental performance. Harnessing the economics of sustainable consumption and production that can drive these benefits requires expertise in understanding, communicating, and then applying complex ideas and strategies. In this course, students…

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