Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Project type Research

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Australia Awards Short Course Trade Promotion and Marketing – Post COVID-19 (Sri Lanka)

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

This Short Course provided Participants with a practical understanding of current international trade and investment issues and the opportunities and challenges presented to businesses by the globalised economy. The course was implemented using action-learning methods including interactive presentations, case studies, workshops, roundtables, networking sessions, and institutional visits. Materials for…


Sustainble Food Choices on Campus

13 - Climate Action

The aim of this project is to direct food choices to more plant-rich dishes on Griffith University Campuses, thereby reducing the environmental footprint of food outlets. The goals are two-fold: making climate-friendlier dishes more visible/available and shifting behaviours so that more customers pick those options. The program uses pre-and-post consumer…

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Making Tracks in Children’s Health: co-designing a culturally appropriate weight management health service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families

3 - Good Health and Well-Being

The Making Tracks in Children’s Health (MaTCH) project is working to co-design a health service to address weight management in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families. Funded by a Woolworths Nutrition-Related Health Services Research Grant, the project brings together the Queensland Health departments (Child and Youth Clinical…


The Radical Materiality of Oysterteture

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities

“The Radical Materiality of Oystertecture“ reinventing the boundary – through the innovative use of discarded oyster shells. Variations in thickness and height of the oystertecture are driven by the sun’s direction and height. The art installation enhances the interplay between the user, the structure, and the light.


Growing Living Islands

13 - Climate Action

This PhD research “Growing Living Islands- an Architectural toolbox” is exploring methods for developing symbiotic islands that adapt to the environment, living organisms and people’s needs. The research combines artificial island construction, artificial reef construction and environmental assessment to develop conceptual methods for constructing islands based on the environment first…

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