Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Toowoomba Young Kings Mentoring Program – Pilot

Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele

Project Description

In 2022 the Sk8 2 Cr8 program was pilot tested in Toowoomba. Funded by the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s LDAT program. This pilot program was co-designed by community and stakeholders in 2021. A total of 33 young people participated in 3 x 6-week pilot program

Project Personnel and Beneficiaries

Youth of Toowoomba, Carer/Guardians, Community, Alcohol and Drug Foundation

Outcomes to Date

54% of participants increased their connection with their community. 32% of participants had a positive increase in their relationship with their community. 25% of participants increased their knowledge of AOD harms. 75% maintained their current level of knowledge around AOD harms.

Project Significance

It brought an awareness of youth alcohol and drug concerns in the Toowoomba region. This program connected youth with community, increasing positive connections and providing knowledge of the harm that occurs with Alcohol and Other Drugs. The program also instilled a sense of confidence in the young people of the Toowoomba region, to make informed choices

Project start
Project end
Academic area
Social Marketing at Griffith
Project location
  • Nathan
Project geographical impact
  • QLD
Publication date
December 14, 2023
Last updated
1:15 pm, December 14, 2023