Project Description
Research and Development of a community-targeted campaign to improve water services (SDG6.1) that depend on rainwater harvesting. Specifically, the research will identify how community and household members can be influenced to properly maintain their rainwater harvesting and water access systems. Currently the supply of water from rainwater systems is unsafe (contaminated through poor maintenance) and not able to supply water year round (due in part to poor maintenance).
Project Personnel and Beneficiaries
“IWC (Regina Souter, Mark Love, Luisa Cordova), World Vision Vanuatu & Australia, Water for Women Fund (Australian Government).
The project will benefits directly the communities involved in world Vision’s WASH program in Vanuatu – this is estimated at 22,600 people. In addition, the research outputs will be available to WASH actors across the Pacific – a vastly higher umber of people.”
Outcomes to Date
Project has only just commenced.
Project Significance
Rainwater is currently the primary source of water (SDG6.1) for many households in Vanuatu. However past research has shown that these are poorly maintained, including the contamination fo containers used to transport water for use, so that many people are drinking unsafe water. In addition, with limited maintenance of roofs, guttering andf tanks, their storage capacity is lowered. Being able to store and supply more, safe water (SDG6.1) is critical for climate adaptation and underpins health and wellbeing.