Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals


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Enhancing the ecosystem for entrepreneurship and innovation in the Pacific

Small-scale enterprises are a critical component of the economy and provide livelihoods for many of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Leaders of the Pacific region have identified the development of small-scale enterprises as a key priority for achieving inclusive economic growth. In response, the Griffith Asia Institute and…


The APEC Asia-Pacific Financial Inclusion Forum (APFIF)

Griffith Asia Institute’s APEC Study Centre supports the Asian Development Bank with the implementation of the Asia-Pacific Financial Inclusion Forum, an APEC Policy Initiative. Now in its 14th year, this initiative is used to explore current opportunities and challenges associated with enhancing the value and reach of formal financial products…


Diversity in foreign direct investment and environmental innovation of emerging market firms: The effect of ownership-conveyed institutional logics

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Although foreign direct investment (FDI) allows emerging market firms (EMFs) to experience various institutions and learn to innovate, we know little about the] effects of exposure to diverse institutions on EMFs’ environmental innovation—a sustainable approach to pursuing economic growth. Incorporating the institutional logics perspective with the learning-from-diversity…

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Spatial MCDM tool for offshore wind and solar energy systems

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

Implementing offshore hybrid renewable energy systems have strong potential to accelerate our transition to a net-zero economy. However, there is a lack of a systemic and autonomous spatial approach to evaluate the potential sites for coupled wind and solar, considering multi-criteria covering environmental, technical, economic and social aspects. This project…
