Analysis of microplastics in stormwater – Part 3
Microplastics are small plastic particles…
Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals
Microplastics are small plastic particles…
Human activities release large quantities of wastewater to rivers and oceans. This wastewater often contains toxic chemicals, which can adversely affect living organisms. Our current methods to assess the toxicity of wastewater effluent are relatively insensitive and expensive, which means that monitoring is only infrequently conducted and is not protective…
Griffith Research Online (GRO) is a digital repository of openly accessible research and scholarship from Griffith University. GRO increases the impact and influence of Griffith research and scholarship by ensuring it is visible, discoverable and accessible; the research is indexed by Google Scholar and harvested by Unpaywall, NLA Trove and…
Previously, members of the public were charged a $55 membership fee to join the library. While the initial idea was to waive the fee under certain circumstances, such as for people experiencing hardship, after discussion with Library Management and the Library Campus Services Coordinators, a decision was made to remove…
The purpose of this project is to complete the beta-testing phase of a coagulation prediction model, for optimal performance at relevant SEQwater drinking water treatment plants, as well as appropriate end user training. This is to ensure the uptake of the research outputs of a recently completed ARC Linkage Project,…
The book ‘Family businesses on a mission: Attaining the Sustainable Development Goal of Quality Education’ focuses on how family businesses on an international basis can align themselves to SDG#4. It features case studies of family businesses from Australia, Algeria, USA and Austria.
Griffith University has collaborated with ReGov Technologies in Malaysia to connect vulnerable economies in the Pacific Islands to global markets through the National Digital Innovation Launchpad (NDIL). Starting in Tonga, the NDIL is designed to accelerate the use of technology and build local capacity to implement digital projects and solutions…
Griffith Business School supported 19 students and alumni to attend the Young Professionals Forum as part of the 2023 Pacific Cities Summit and Mayors Forum – Shaping Cities for our Future.
The Griffith Tax Clinic provides free tax assistance to unrepresented taxpayers so they know their rights and obligations in complying with Australia’s complex tax system. The Griffith Tax Clinic is a friendly, student-run clinic offering students, staff and community members with advice from Griffith University taxation students under the supervision…
Since 2022 Griffith Library has been part of The Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) Open Educational Resource (OER) Collective. The OER Collective provides a publishing platform, workflows, copyright and resource support and an academic Community of Practice, which enables publication of Open Educational Textbooks at the individual University level…