Project Description
Over a 10 year history, this network arranges a range of events for sharing knowledge and experiences on developing flood resilient landscapes and communities. The workshops are interactive and cater for professionals from all roles in building physical and social resilience. Events are mostly face to face and occasionally online. It is supported by a consortium of Government, University and Consulting companies.
Project Personnel and Beneficiaries
To achieve flood resilience, the Flood Cop aims to assist colleagues in Local and Sate Government, Water Utilities, Regional NRM groups, consultants, academics and industry bodies.
Outcomes to Date
Project Significance
Building flood resilience requires a broad mix of different discipline skills to address the complexity of the issue. From a catchment scale, to neighbourhood and to house lot scales requires ecologists, engineers, town planner, architects and social specialists to combine their skills and this a key feature of the Flood Cop Learning from each other, building trust and then collaborating. As a result this work underpins success needs for SDG 6, 11 and 13.