Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

DES12174 Co-Design and Implementation of Community Engagement and Threat Mitigation Initiatives in Partnership with Local Governments to support Koala Conservation in South East Queensland (SEQ) – Year Three

Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele

Please note that this is an on-going project.

Project Description

This project will involve community surveys, and co-design session which will inform program implementation. A follow up survey will also be conducted after implementation to assess program effectiveness, and measure changes in attitudes, perceptions or behaviour.

Project Personnel and Beneficiaries

Redland City Council, Logan Council, Department of Environment and Science, Community

Outcomes to Date

Reduced koala deaths from dog attacks by 40% and decreased car strikes by 83%. We’ve created an App that assists dog owners to train their dogs in wildlife aversion tactics to decrease domestic pet and wildlife interactions

Project Significance

Koalas are one of Australia’s most iconic native species but are increasingly threatened in Queensland primarily due to the loss of habitat and associated threats such as climate change, disease, dog attacks and car strikes. Threats do not occur in isolation and koalas can be simultaneously affected by multiple threats.

Dr Bo Pang
Project start
Academic area
Social Marketing at Griffith
Project location
  • Nathan
Project geographical impact
  • Local
  • QLD
Publication date
December 5, 2023
Last updated
8:29 am, December 5, 2023