Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Biobot Academy

Associate Professor Timo Dietrich

Please note that this is an on-going project.

Project Description

The Biobot Academy helps develop socio-emotional capabilities in children to thrive in times of uncertainty and provides a prevention tool to reduce bullying and violence in our communities. The project aims to engage 150 primary schools by 2025.

Project Personnel and Beneficiaries

Disrupting Violence Beacon of Griffith University, CSIRO, Griffith University and Hyper Theory.

Outcomes to Date

A reduction in bullying; increased socio-emotional capabilities; increased self-awareness, empathy, and prosocial behaviour intentions

Project Significance

The Biobot Academy has been co-created through a Living Lab methodology involving children, teachers, psychologists, and curriculum experts. Over the next years the multi-disciplinary team will be focused on further developing, implementing, and evaluating the effectiveness of the Biobot Academy.

Mrs Pamela Saleme, Associate Professor Joy Parkinson, Dr Bo Bang.
Project start
Academic area
Social Marketing at Griffith
Project location
  • Gold Coast
Project geographical impact
  • National
Publication date
November 30, 2023
Last updated
11:50 am, November 30, 2023