Project Description
An international collaboration with the industry to investigate and optimize the wave energy convertors paired with different sites for future wave energy farm’s design/site selection
Project Personnel and Beneficiaries
Coastal communities around the globe
Renewable Energy planners and managers
Outcomes to Date
Several peer reviewed publications in high tier journals regarding affordable and clean energy:
Choupin, O., Andutta, F., Etemad-Shahidi, A., and Tomlinson, R. (2021) Decision-Making Process for wave energy converter and location pairing, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review, 147, 111225.
Choupin, O., Henriksen, M., Etemad-Shahidi, A., and Tomlinson, R. (2021) Breaking-down and parameterising the wave energy converter costs using the CapEx and Similitude methods, Energies, 14, 902.
Project Significance
This investigation provides a decision-making process for planners and managers to select best device (WEC) and site pair for harvesting wave energy.