Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Responsible Consumption and Production

Australian Repair Summit

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

The Australian Repair Summit is an annual national Summit that brings together a wide range of stakeholders interested in or working in the repair sector, who genuinely want to engage in open and respectful dialogue; with industry, other sectors and the community at large about the legislative and policy changes…

Saving Nemo: Reducing animal use in toxicity assessments of wastewater

14 - Life Below Water

Human activities release large quantities of wastewater to rivers and oceans. This wastewater often contains toxic chemicals, which can adversely affect living organisms. Our current methods to assess the toxicity of wastewater effluent are relatively insensitive and expensive, which means that monitoring is only infrequently conducted and is not protective…

Containers for Change

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

Late in 2022, Griffith University launched a new Containers for Change collection program across its Nathan and Gold Coast campuses. Each bottle donated through the Containers for Change collection bins will raise funds for Griffith’s Brighter Futures Scholarship Program.