Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Clean Water and Sanitation

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Australia-Mekong Water Facility – Technical support to improve reservoir water quality management in Thailand

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Thailand faces challenges with managing water quality in many of its reservoirs due to pressure from agricultural, domestic, and industrial pollution coupled with urbanization, increasing demand and climate change. The Royal Irrigation Department (RID) joined Australian experts to gain knowledge and strategies to monitor, prevent and decrease water quality impacts.


ACT Summer Leaf Collective

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

The Leaf Collective pilot program aimed to encourage and support householders and community groups to engage in behaviours to prevent native leaf litter (fallen leaves, twigs, bark, flowers and nuts) from entering stormwater drains.

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Mid Brisbane River Microbial Model Update

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

The purpose for this project is to update the existing hydrodynamic-microbial models for the Mid-Brisbane River with the latest three-year data from 2020 to 2022. These three years are particularly wet than other years and represent an opportunity to better understand the microbial conditions in the river system during a…

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Supporting decentralised rural water supply in Pacific islands: formal and informal networks to support Pacific Rural Water Committee engagement with water resources management for climate resilient WASH outcomes

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Building on our earlier work and ongoing partnerships, using both formative and action research combined with regional knowledge sharing opportunities (two peer-to-peer learning exchange events), this research seeks to better understand ways that government and civil society organisations (CSOs) engaged in the WASH sector can leverage formal, as well as…


Inclusive urban WASH in Melanesia Pacific – influencing and strengthening systems for climate resilient WASH in urban underserved settlements

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

The regional research project focuses on enhancing climate-resilient WASH services in urban informal settlements in PNG, Fiji and Vanuatu through trough the development of decision and planning support systems, citizen science for localized climate insights, advocacy methods, and engagement with settlement residents in collaborative planning. The goal is to…