Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Project type Research

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 Open access to Griffith University research

10 - Reduced Inequalities

Griffith Research Online (GRO) is a digital repository of openly accessible research and scholarship from Griffith University. GRO increases the impact and influence of Griffith research and scholarship by ensuring it is visible, discoverable and accessible; the research is indexed by Google Scholar and harvested by Unpaywall, NLA Trove and…

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Australia-Mekong Water Facility – Technical support to improve reservoir water quality management in Thailand

6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

Thailand faces challenges with managing water quality in many of its reservoirs due to pressure from agricultural, domestic, and industrial pollution coupled with urbanization, increasing demand and climate change. The Royal Irrigation Department (RID) joined Australian experts to gain knowledge and strategies to monitor, prevent and decrease water quality impacts.


Australia Awards Short Course Aus4ASEAN Green Skills in TVET

13 - Climate Action

The Australia Awards Short Course Aus4ASEAN Skills Forecasting for the Fourth Industrial Revolution was delivered under the Australian Governments Digital Transformation and Future Skills initiative, as part of a package aimed at supporting Australia’s Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with the Association of South Asian Nations (ASEAN). The course was delivered to…


Australia Awards Short Course Aus4ASEAN Skills Forecasting for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

The Australia Awards Short Course Aus4ASEAN Skills Forecasting for the Fourth Industrial Revolution was delivered under the Australian Governments Digital Transformation and Future Skills initiative, as part of a package aimed at supporting Australia’s Comprehensive Strategic Partnership with the Association of South Asian Nations (ASEAN). The course was delivered to…

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Sounding Good: Advancing Cultural Sustainability through Music

17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Music researcher Catherine Grant joins artist and scholar collaborators from four continents to explore the deep—and sometimes surprising—interplays between music, cultural sustainability, and social justice. Through case studies in Australia, Brazil, Cambodia, India, Vanuatu, and Western Sahara, this project emphasises the potential for strong and sustainable cultural practices to advance…


Australian Repair Summit

12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

The Australian Repair Summit is an annual national Summit that brings together a wide range of stakeholders interested in or working in the repair sector, who genuinely want to engage in open and respectful dialogue; with industry, other sectors and the community at large about the legislative and policy changes…