Griffith University supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 15 - Life on Land

Analysis of Microplastics in Biosolids


This project was part of a CSIRO project aimed to investigate how the contaminants (including microplastics) in biosolid behave when treated with soldier flies . The aim of microplastic testing was to determine the fate of plastic in the larvae process. As plastic can be ingested by larvae this project… Read More

Microplastics analysis of processed organics (MATS Project)


“This project aimed to 1) establish a baseline for the quantity, size, and identity of microplastics in recycled organics outputs derived from feedstocks containing FO, GO, and FOGO. 2) Assess risk of microplastics found in recycled organics derived from feedstocks containing FO, GO and FOGO against human health, ecological health,… Read More

Charred Koala – Hanging On


I made a series of brooches titles ‘Charred Koala- Hanging on’ in response to the 2019 bush fires. Ancient forest and animal habitat cannot be quickly replaced. The koala is frequently used as a symbol of Australia. It is widely recognisable and its image embodies much more than just a… Read More

Mangrove Timelapse VR


This project is a pilot project aiming to create an interactive VR time-lapse video of a mangrove forest from the perspective of its different animal inhabitants. It combines science and animation by embodying the imperceptible “aliveness” of a mangrove forest from multiple perspectives to highlight the importance of the ecosystem. Read More